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More on University #38

Greetings once again unto the patrons of the Merry Rose.

Well, after posting the catalog for University, I received several requests
for the date of University and directions to the site.  As it happens, Henry
had sent that info out, but it was not until I was resending it to one gentle
that I noticed that the header information only contained my address, and 
not the address for the Merry Rose. Also, there were no instructions that
I could see asking me to repost this info to the list. What has apparently
happened is that Henry was speaking in Subliminal Henryese, and I, only
barely conversant in regular Henry, did not have a clue about what my part
was to be aside from the course descriptions.

Needless to say, I have included the rest of the information here. Glad
will I be when Ianthe and Alianora get done with the Henry-English/English-
Henry Dictionary, and start to work on the sequel, Understanding Subliminal 

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   |  You are a fluke of the universe. You have no right
 Dark Horde by birth |  to be here, and whether you can hear it or not, the
   Moritu by choice  |  Universe is laughing behind your back. -- Deteriorata

====================== begin included subliminal text ====================

Welcome to University Atlantia #38

April 8th, the College of Rencester will host the 38th session of the 
University of Atlantia, on the campus of William and Mary, in Williamsburg, 
Virginia. The site opensf at 8:30. Registration will open at 9:15. Classes 
will run from 10:00 to 6:30.

Tuition: We request that you pay an admittance fee of $5 to cover operating 
expenses (such as this catalog). Note: although we need your money to run 
University at break-even, we are more interested in your participation than 
we are in your money. If you cannot afford to pay, please attend anyway as 
our guest. Pay your tuition by learning all you can and then giving freely of 
your knowledge to others. The non-member surcharge imposed by SCA Inc will not 
be levied at this event.

Babysitter:  We will have child care for the day at the rate of $5 per child.

Food: There will not be a feast at this event. You are invited to brown-bag, 
pot-luck with friends, or take advantage of the truly excellent eateries 
available in Williamsburg.

Crash Space: Rencester is a College; so they are not rolling in crash space. 
But contact the site autocrat,  Thomas Lyon of Braemar, mka Thomas Gideon 
(804) 565-0945 email: tlgide@birds.wm.edu. If you cannot reach Thomas, contact 
the seneschale, Muireann ni Riordain, mka Jessica Wilbur  (804) 221-4691  
email: jcwilb@mail.wm.edu.

Hotel: The autocrat recommends The Days Inn Pottery, by the Williamsburg 
Pottery Factory, (804) 565-0090. They have a room rate of $35. (N.B. I 
made reservations there and was quoted a price of $37. Ask when you call --

Directions: Take your best route to I-64. Take exit 238, Camp Peary, Colonial 
Williamsburg exit. Turn RIGHT onto 143 East. Go 1/2 mile to 2nd stoplight, 
turn RIGHT onto 132 South. Continue for 2.3 miles. Turn RIGHT onto Ireland 
Street (the street after the 3rd light). Go to the end of the block, turn 
RIGHT onto S. Boundary St. Turn at first LEFT (into college). Park in parking 
area at end of street.

The Chancellor's Corner

	I'm very pleased to offer you such a wide selection of high quality 
classes, this session. Profound thanks are due to this session's deans: Tadhg 
macAedain, Corun MacAnndra, Tehair MacDiarmada, & Deirdre O'Siodhachain, all 
of whom did a fine job and exhibited superhuman understanding and patience 
while I handed out chunks of creative control with trembling, miserly hands.  
So, what you see before you is a truly collaborative effort. If you like what 
you see, praise the deans; any lack is mine, as I stirred the pot last.

	The job of 'dean' is pretty open-ended and is renewed on a session by 
session basis. If you are interested in sampling a chunk of my job as UA 
Chancellor for UA #39, please contact me and I will answer your questions.  
I am on the lookout for my successor and working as a dean is a good way to 
see if you would enjoy the office. Generally, I would be after you to provide 
a track or two of classes; but I will entertain other projects if you have 
something in mind.

	There are quite a few tracks this session: newcomers (Tehair), brewing 
(Tadhg), Women's Studies (Deirdre), Cooking (Tehair),  Leisure, Music (Corun), 
Dance (Corun), Heraldry, and Leather. Sprinkled in with all of that are the 
usual unclassified classes. 

	I want to call your attention to two threads of activity that are 
particularly worth watching through the day. One is the College of St. 
Catherine. Deirdre et al have gently persuaded me to "grant charter" to a 
college focusing on philosophies and disciplines that they deem of particular 
interest to women. The other is the Cordwainers' Guild, also a University 
construct. Damon Argent et al will be exploring, through the medium of persona 
play, certain aspects of what they think a medieval guild would be like.  
Both of these groups  are showing all the signs of having Too Much Fun<tm> 
and I invite you to keep an eye on them. 

	Autocrats: I have had five or six casual inquiries about hosting the  
next session of University, first weekend in July. I have answered these 
persons' questions and encouraged them to contact me when they find a site. 
But, at this writing, I have no bids for July UA. If you are interested in 
hosting, please contact me.

John Strauss				Henricus Bestus
(703) 943-5646				Magister Scholarum
gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu		Universitatis Atlantie

--------- John Strauss     gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu ---------
University Atlantia #38 is April 8th at Rencester on the William
and Mary Campus. The Catalog is coming out Real Soon Now.
Need bids for UA #39 on July 1st.  - Henry Best, UA Chancellor