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Re: News & Gladsome Tidings from that College chapter in Ponte Alto

AGAIN greetings!

Kendrick wrote:

>Actually, there is a demo going on that entire week at the Border's
>Bookstore at Bailey's Crossroads.  We supposed to be doing something
>different every night of the week, and then all day saturday.

Yup!  According to my notes, the demo will cover food on the 18th, crafts 
on the 19th, drama on the 20th, food AND musci on the 21st, and a whole 
bunch o' stuff on the 22nd.  The demo should be from 7-9:30 pm from the 
18th to the 21st, but I don't have the hours for the 22nd.  If we have 
our mini-demo (it'll be at the university club fair) it'll probably be 
the afternoon of the 21st.

That week, I'll be off in Caid, returning to my old stomping grounds at 
Boethius to celebrate that College's Third Annual Tenth Anniversary, so I 
don't think I'll be able to make it to the demo ;) ... I've already 
publicired it in the Rant, so hopefully, there will be Masonfolk coming ...

In Service to the Dream,

Karen Larsdatter med det Usigelige Efternavn fra Skyggedal