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Re: Pottery, Clay and everything!

Greetings, all!

Although not in period style (and I'd be interested in finding out more
about alembics as well), you can read more about the modern science
of distillation (which, as we all know, is illegal yadda yadda yadda) in
these references:

Sweet and Hard Cider, by Annie Proulx and Lew Nichols 
(ISBN 0-88266-352-6) - contains some great info on making hard
cider, as well as instructions on how to build a rough-and-ready still
in your kitchen using a pressure cooker.

The Lore of Still-Building - I haven't read this, but it is supposed to be
an interesting, if sometimes overly political discussion of the history of
stills and 'shine in America.

Duncan MacKinnon
Black Diamond

Tom Brady  804 Washington St. #4, Blacksburg, VA 24060   SCA: Duncan MacKinnon
   "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." - Anais Nin
 http://duncan.bevc.blacksburg.va.us/ - Info on Celtic music, SCA, GLB links