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[LONG]: Collegium Borealis Course List
Greetings, good gentles all!
Here, at long last, is the class list SO FAR for the Collegium Borealis, set to appear at a College Near You (TM) on 1st July, 1995! That's a week from this coming Saturday, my dears! :-)
There may be others added to this list before the event actually takes place, and as always, teachers are most welcome to walk in on the actual day and ask for teaching space. Some means to let people know of last minute additions and deletions will be supplied; look for it when you arrive!
Please note that the Heraldry Track very seriously needs teachers. I know folks are busy these days, and we appreciate enormously all the volunteer time represented by the list below. But if you are at all knowledgeable in the heraldic matters mentioned below, and are at all able to come teach, please contact Lord Evan ASAP and volunteer yourself. He will appreciate it, as will the Collegium staff.
If you come up with a really neat idea for a class and have fears you won't be able to get space to teach, call me at: (703) 425-8284 as soon as possible, weeknights NLT 11:00 PM; or during the day at (703) 709-5562 and leave voicemail. If you volunteered and have been inadvertently omitted, please accept my profoundest apologies and give me a call to let me know what I forgot to include.
si vales, valeo,
Meli ferch Iasper (That's "Jasper" .... <g>)
Class List for Collegium Borealis
(as of 5 PM, 6/19/95)
An Introduction to Writing Poetry - Mistress Deirdre will discuss some
of the joys and pitfalls of trying to create poetry in the SCA, with
special emphasis on writing in period forms.
The Letter of the Dame de la Tour - Mistress Deirdre will discuss the
letter of the Dame de la Tour as it appears in Christine de Pisan's The
Book of the Duke of True Lovers. The discussion will center on the
moral and social obligations of a high-born married lady in France
around 1400.
The Arnolfini Wedding Portrait - Lady Celyenen of Stow-on-the-Wold will
look closely at Jan van Eyck's famed protrait and explain the many
images and symbols.
Women in Islamic Lands - Xenophon Vaughn discusses the status of women in Islamic countries during the Middle Ages. This is a frequently misunderstood area of period study; come hear how things were and how we often perceive them to have been.
HERALDRY TRACK: (needs teachers desperately)
Persona 101 - The basics of choosing your persona. Heraldically, choosing a time period and geographic location are top priority, as it directly affects:
Choosing an SCA Name - Pretty much self-explanatory, but very often misunderstood. Is it as hard as some folks have made it out to be? What is required by way of documentation? Come find out!
Being an SCA Herald: The Loud Parts - The basics of what to do if you're called on to do field cries or court.
Being an SCA Herald: The Quiet Parts - Basic consulting and paperwork.
Blazonry 202 - Getting beyond the basics of heraldic blazon. For heralds and scribes, but also for other interested parties.
Armory in Everyday Usage - The most common mundane and SCAdian heraldry we see in the area. How it is used, or misused.
Basic Camping: - Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid. Fundamental camping skills for the beginning camper.
Notes from Badger Camp: -Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid. How House Drunken Badger does large group camping with a Meal Plan for Pennsic. The Badgers coordinate the care and feeding of an ever-larger group each year, with ever-changing logistics. How do they keep their sanity and still feed everyone? Come find out!
Elizabethan Drinking Songs and Rounds - Greg Lindahl. (1 Hour) While the Society has plenty of wonderful historical alcohol, we often have a lack of historical drinking songs. This class seeks to remedy the problem. Most songs will be suitable for polite company, and only a few can be used to insult sober people. Learn now, and join me at Pennsic for a BYOB travelling party on Wednesday night. A class handout will contain all the music and lyrics.
Almains from the Inns of Court - Greg Lindahl (1 Hour) Dances for lawyers? No, no, just dances written down by lawyers. Learn about an under-appreciated source of interesting dances. I will hopefully be able to teach 2 or 3 dances; a class handout will contain all the steps.
Schticking Along in Welsh: - Meli ferch Jasper (1 hour) So you've decided on a Welsh persona. How to spice things up? What to discuss in persona? Which Llewelyn was around when your persona would have lived? Where were the English horning in where they had no business? What is a good Welsh person to DO??? Come to this class, and find out! Bring a sense of humor, be willing to possibly get up from your seat and spout in Welsh in front of sympathetic friends, and depart with a helpful handout!
Early Medicine: Healing in nine ancient civilizations underline> - Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid. This course will be taught primarily from 'The Healing Hand' by Guido Majno, M.D.
Creating Period Patterns from Diagrams in Books underline> - Lady Aeron Hamilton. Ever seen those small pattern drawings in costuming books, and been frustrated that you don't have a full-sized pattern from which to work? Lady Aeron will show you how to fix that annoying problem .... how to make big-uns from little-uns!
Japanese Dye Technique - Ldy Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre. This course will cover the history and practice of pattern dyeing (shaped and paste resist) techniques used in Japan between 900 and 1600 A.D. Students will make a sampler of shibori (thread resist) fabric to take home.Time Required: 2 hours. The first hour will be mostly book-learning, the second, hands-on practice.
Constructing a Norman Gown - Ldy Mari Elspeth nic Bryan. Participants will receive handouts containing step-by-step instructions on how to draft a pattern for this gown and how to fit it properly. In addition to drafting patterns, we will be cutting out and pinning gowns to fit. So those wishing to have a gown cut and fitted should bring measuring tape, scissors, pins (lots!) & cloth.
Practicum. Limited to 10 people. 2 hour class.
Constructing a "Greenland Gore" Cotehardie - Ldy Mari Elspeth nic Bryan
Participants will receive handouts containing step-by-step instructions on how
to draft a pattern for this gown and how to fit it properly. In addition to
drafting patterns, we will be cutting out and pinning gowns to fit. So those
wishing to have a gown cut and fitted should bring measuring tape, scissors,
pins (lots!) & cloth. Limited to 10 people. 2 hour class.
Gilding Techniques for Painting & Illumination - Ldy Patricia du St.Clemont.
(limit 10 people) Hands-on practice and observation; come see how it is done, then get a chance to apply what you've learned!
Artist Safety Tips for Working with Poisons - Ldy Patricia du St.Clemont.
lecture on the topic of how to safely deal with the toxic substances used in period painting techniques.
Constructing Lorica Segmentata Armor - Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid.
How to construct this Roman-style armor, using metal or plastic.
All-Day Informal Scriptorium The Clerk Signet will be holding an All-Day session for scribes, calligraphers, .
Leather Working: Baron Daman Argent (Silver) would like to have a leather working room.
Official Atlantian Marshal Training by the Earl Marshal and Deputy Earl Marshal in charge of Training.
fighting manual class -Baron Niall
Armoured Fighting Sword-Blows class - Master Malcolm mac Malcolm
Intermediate Rapier - Hon. Lord Giacomo Vincenti di Firenze. Just what it says: intermediate fencing techniques with the rapier. Come learn how to polish your style and polish off your opponents.
Battlefield Assessment - Hon. Lord Giacomo Vincenti di Firenze. This is a good class for chirurgeons, marshals, water bearers, etc. What goes on on a battlefield? When a fighter needs to be assessed for fitness to continue, who checks what and okays her/him by what means?
A History of Masters-at-Arms - Sir Strykar. Learn what Masters-at-Arms were, and what was expected of them.
Early Manuscripts on the Subject of the Fighting Arts underline> - Sir Strykar. Come learn about early period manuscripts that detail fighting styles, teaching methods, etc. Excellent sources of documentation and information for the fighter!