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WWW Page for Outlaw Press

    From Ianthe to all, greetings and apologies for passing on
    another shameless plug.

    For those of you with WWW access - you may be interested in
    checking out Outlaw Press' new WWW page.

    Outlaw is a small, independent publisher specializing in
    SCA-related academic works.  So far, Brother Crimthann (Bob
    Goff) at Outlaw has issued:

     - Lady Solveig's work on Japanese names and culture
     - David Sanders' Bibliography of Heraldic Sources
     - The New Carolingian Modelbook <-- my book on embroidery

    He is interested in sales of his current inventory AND in
    finding SCA authors with interesting projects.  Note that
    Outlaw IS NOT a "vanity press".  Crimthann is interested in
    works with small or limited run appeal, and enters into
    standard royalty contracts.  If anyone has a work in progress
    or a strong prospectus for a future book, they might consider
    getting in touch with him.

    Outlaw's WWW page:      http://www.rt66.com/outlaw/
    Outlaw's eMail address: outlaw@rt66.com

    (Now it's off to the War for me...)