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Knowne World Arts & Sciences Symposium III

Duchess Jeanne d'Aussey asked me to distribute the following information:
(I have the Instructors and Attendant registration forms. Please send 
me [see Acorn for address] a self-addressed stamped envelope  or catch 
me at UnEvent or 12th Night.)   -Deirdre of Boolteens

Knowne World Arts and Sciences Symposium III
April 12-14, 1996

The Barony of the Steppes, in the Kingdom of Ansteorra, has the 
pleasure to invite all to the third Knowne World Arts & Sciences Symposium.

This event will take place the weekend of April 12-14, 1996. We have 
secured an antebellum mansion in which to hold classes. We project 7 
tracks of classes for an approximate total of 50 hours of class time.

Class topics will include: Costuming, feast craft, period music, period 
dance, bardic arts, trompe l'oeil and needlecrafts to name just a few.

The cost for this event will be $10.00 if pre-registered and $15.00 
after February 1, 1996. This fee includes a sideboard feast.

Instructor's registration forms will be available from your Kingdom 
Arts and Science Minister.

contact H.L. Jocea Anne Gallowglass for more information at:

H.L. Jocea Anne Gallowglass
mka Nancy Daily
13548 Pyramid Drive
Dallas, TX 75234-48340
(214) 243-6450