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Re: Medieval Siege Equipment

On Sat, 17 Feb 1996, John M. Healey wrote:

> To Whom This May Concern:
>      I am student at Damien Memorial High School, Honolulu, Hawaii.
> My english class and I are doing what we call an I-SEARCH project, 
> for it requires the students to go out and search for information.  
> I would like any information on medieval siege equipment between 
> 1000 and 1400 AD you can provide.
>      I would like the information as soon as possible, preferably 
> before Feb. 29, when my project is due.  Please send the information 
> via e-mail and my father will pass it on to me.  I appreciate any 
> information you can provide.
> 																																		Yours Truly,

hi there 
this past summer there was an article in scientific american on 
trebuchets  a counterweighted catapult (VERY good article)
and a few years before there was an article on balistas 
in the same journal 

both were excellently written and most importantly had lists of 
references in the back of the article or the magazine

in service

Eric Jon Campbell Sr Textile Engineering at NCSU
(alias) Xavier Campbell amateur blacksmith and brewer
Virtual SCA Library ( One I help manage )
TAAS (Triangle Area Anime Society)