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Help! Cks fm Emperor's Choice

	The following is a list of people and their city of residence ,who wrote
checks to the Canton of Azurmont for the Emperor’s Choice event. Due to some
oversight on our former exchecker’s part, these checks have never been
deposited to our canton’s account. I am sending out this list in an  attempt
to notify these people of our intent to deposit said checks. Please do your
best to contact anyone you may know on the list so that they might contact us
if  depositing their check would cause them a hardship. I plan to deposit
March 15, 1996.
	My heartfelt thanks for your attention to this matter.

								Duchess Lorna of Leeds

Jane & John Sellers,Jr					Winston-Salem ND
Kirsten Niemann						Richmond VA
Pamela K Sheirer						Glen Arm MD
Charles R Leake, Jr						Radford, VA
Tamma McDonough					Chesterfield VA
Kathleen Hanafan						Aroda, VA
Doug & Diane Stevens					Sanford, NC
Amberleigh Chittum					Norfolk, VA
Thomas Gideon						Richmond VA
Elizabeth Roberts						Charlotte, NC
Neal Townley						Williamsburg, VA