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Re: REQ: Rose Cordial Recipie

On Wed, 6 Mar 1996, Lisa Steele wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Mar 1996, Eric Jon Campbell wrote:
> > I am interested in making a rose cordial 
> > 
> > I am wondering if anyone has a recipe for rose cordials 
> > and possible rose petal candy (to make with the leftover petals once the 
> > cordial is done)
> > 
>   I tried a rose and strawberry cordial using a rose extract for last 
> Pennsic. Unless you have someone who grows roses and does not use any 
> pesticides on them, you may have problems with getting edible pedals.
>   BTW, anyone know where one might find a violet extract?
>   --Esclarmonde de Colloure

in chapel hill they were selling dried rose hips for 9$ a pound
this was at the silk road coffee/tea house and they were using the same 
stuff in their tea so I think its safe

-Thank you for your comments 

Eric Jon Campbell Sr Textile Engineering at NCSU
(alias) Xavier Campbell amateur blacksmith and brewer
Virtual SCA Library ( One I help manage )
TAAS (Triangle Area Anime Society)