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Kingship in Latin

I, Alfredo el Bufon wrote:

> > [...] what is Latin for:
> > 	"You are King as they say you are."
> > Or some other good version.
> I propose,
> "Ego sum rex dum credor populo habere regnum."
> "I am king as long as I am believed by the populace to hold kingship."
> I chose to put it in this form because it makes a good Six Lines board:
>         E G O S U M   R E X D U M
>         C R E D O R   P O P U L O
>         H A B E R E   R E G N U M

For any good gentle who may have been wondering, "What is he talking
about?  I've never heard of a Six Lines board!", well, you may rest
assured that _I_ have never heard of it either.  I _meant_ to say
Twelve Lines, as in 'Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum (The Game of Twelve Lines)'.
Mea culpa.

-- Alfredo

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
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