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Well, if no one else is going to comment.

Unto the fair patrons of the Merry Rose and all the shoppers at Cheapside 
does Lord Leifr Johansson, Seneschal of the (taxed but still only) Shire 
of Stierbach send greetings.

It was a lovely day Saturday in Storvik (actually, wasn't that Lochmere?) 
for the Cornation of our new King and Queen (actually, they like to use 
the Norse titles, but I can't spell Dratnigen???) Galmr and Katharina.

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!!!!

But first of all, the day started with Lord Xenaphon Vaughn getting his 
accolade to knighthood, Lady Isabella Gildingwater getting her Laurel, 
Lord Robert of Lochmere a Seastag, Lady Aileen McDonaugh her Nautilis 
(maybe the first??), and the whole of the body of provosts of the rapier 
community being promoted to White Scarfs of Atlantia, and their order to 
rank with the Kingdom orders of merit.  Yellow scarfs now signify Free 

I hope I didn't miss anyone.

Then King Cuan and Queen Brigit dismissed their households, with a few 
Undines and KAE's tossed out to worthy receipients.  Then, following what 
seems Atlantian tradition, Cuan and Brigit put their crowns on the 
thrones, and floated out on about a foot of air, which is certainly 
traditional (there being nothing so fun about being the Atlantian Crown as 
getting to GIVE IT BACK).

Then Galmr and Katharina marched in and took up the Crowns, duties, 
services of their households, and fealty of their peers.

Then they invited in their cousins the Prince and Princess of the 
Midrealm.  His Highness entered wearing quarterly East and Midrealm, with 
a label, arms of pretense announcing his claim to the Eastern throne as 
the legitimate desendent of Duke Cariadoc (the guy who invented Pennsic 
by declaring war, as King of the East, over a letter HE wrote as King of 
the Middle).  After presenting fair greetings and presents (he had 
earlier given Cuan and Brigit presents too), His Highness invited 
Atlantia to join him in his just cause to seize the throne of the East on 
the fields of Pennsic in the Barony-Marche of the Debateable Lands.

And surprise, surprise, King Galmr, noting the intolerable arrogance of 
the Eastern Kings of late (not to mention their winning Pointless), 
agreed to ally with the Midrealm.

Yep, it's official.  Atlantia is wearing RED seahorses unicornate 
naturale this year.  Hopefully, there will be lots of good hunting to be had.

Apparently, no one noticed that when Cariadoc was King of the East, 
Atlantia was little more then the Barony of Mirquewude and part of the 
East itself.  We seem to be fighting for someone so that he can 
legitimately claim authority over US ;-).

By the way, when they were leaving court, that was I who yelled "For our 
noble allies of the MidRealm".

Then we had lots of good fighting, organized by Duke Richard, where the 
most amusing thing was noting how tall fighters seemed to step out of the 
homlgang rather more often (at least twice for me, and I was hardly the 
tallest person there) then the average(-sized) fighters.

Just for fun, I want to list the knights I remember being there:
King Galmr, Duke Gyrth, Duke Richard, Duke Boudoin, Earl Dafydd, Count 
Tsuranaga, Count (?) Mika Longbow, Count Thorbrandr, Sir Shinawassee, Sir 
Tancred dello Falco,
Sir Duncan, Sir Andrew, Sir Harold, Sir Amalric Blackhart, Baron 
Corby, Sir Xenaphon, and...

I probably missed one or two.

Unfortunately, I can recall NOTHING about first court.

What I saw of the feast looked very nice.  Mistress Jaella did an 
excellent job of directing all her expert cooks.

Hopefully, some other attendees will be so kind as to fill in the blanks.

In Service
Leifr Johansson
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