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Re: Bardic Stuff at Storvik Baronial Champ?
Yaakov wrote:
> Is anyone interested in a bardic circle at Storvik Baronial Championship,
> May 10-12?
> Is anyone interested in a Merry Rose gathering at Storvik Baronial
> Championship?
> Is anyone interested in a Merry Rose Bardice circle at Storvik Baronial
> Championship?
> Finally, is there any "official" bardic activity planned for Baronial
> Championship?
Since we've turned this event into a camping event there's always singing
around the campfires at night. But there is also the Official Bardic
Competition to see who will become Storviks Champion Bard. The current
reigning Bardic Champion is Mistress Keilynn Fitzwarin (who tells me she
won't be there to defend her title this year).
> Yaakov
> (Planning on going to Baronial Championship, if folks hadn't guessed!)
So are you going? ;-)
In service,
Corun MacAnndra | They were the bad guys, as you say. And we were the
Dark Horde by birth | good guys. And they made an agreeable thump when they
Moritu by choice | hit the floor. -- G'Kar
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