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Come to Emerald Joust!
Greetings Atlantia e-denizens, from the Autocrat of Emerald Joust! (Two!
Two! Two tournies in one!)
Emerald Joust is shaping up to be one heck of an event. There will be the
Emerald prize tourney on Saturday for Heavy and Rapier fighters, an Emerald
prize shoot for archers, an Emerald prize Adventure for children and TWO
Arts and Sciences competitions - Period encampment and 'Inexpensive
Alternatives' - for a total of ten prizes!
In addition there is the Baroness' open Arts and Sciences display, sponsored by
Mistress Thjora Arnkittelsdottir, Baroness Caer Mear, and a display of the
works of "Spun, Warped and Twisted" (SWAT) the new kingdom fiber arts group.
Following these activites there will be a feast of truely epic proportions
cooked by Lord Stephan of Caer Mear. And if you can still move after that,
the evening will be devoted to dancing, singing and general merriment.
Sunday is the celebration of Atlantia's 15th Birthday. There will be a Pas
de Arms tourney in the morning followed by the selection of the Queen's
Rapier Champion in the afternoon. Archery will continue, probably with a
few rounds of IKAC. The Barony will host more children's activities and the
Kingdom MOAS, Lady Dierdre of Boolteens, will host a display of Atlantia's
Finest arts and sciences. The Great Officers of State will also display
items relavent to their offices.
The Kingdom of Atlantia will hold a fundraising auction this day. Everyone is
requested to donate an item or service to the auction and bring lots of
money to purchase them! Items can range from small pouches to large boxes,
from trim to tents, from food to finery. Services could be: offer to
caligraph a scroll, give a back rub, take down a tent, serve a meal, sing a
song, compose a compliment. Use your imagination!
The delicious and delightful feast Sunday evening will be cooked by Lady
Tangwystl ferch Dafydd. That evening the Lochmear Lawn Party will be held
on the List Field with Bocce Ball, croquet, liquid refreshments and diverse
And the event doesn't end there! On Monday morning, Lady Suzanna Grey will
lead the Kingdom's Cambok players in a rousing game.
We expect an attendance of over 700 people. The feast hall holds only 240. Get
your reservations in now! There will be no off-board space in the feast hall,
though there are many picnic tables scattered throughout the camp.
Camping Arriving Fri. $9
Camping Arriving Sat. $7
Camping Arriving Sun. $4
Day-Trip Fee $3 per day
Saturday Feast $5
Sunday Feast $5
Make Checks payable to the 'Barony of Caer Mear, SCA, Inc.'
Children under 12 are half price. Children under 2 are free.
Cancellations prior to Thursday May 23rd will be refunded with the usual
exceptions for military personnel called to active duty.
The Autocrat is Lady Anarra Karlsdottir c/o Terry L. Neill; 31377 Old Dawn
Road; Hanover, VA; 23069-2006; (804) 994-5845 (NLT 9:30 p.m.)
e-mail: 71035.3227@compuserve.com.
Send reservations and checks or money orders to her.
The Feastocrat is Lord Stephen of Caer Mear c/o Peter Clarke; Route 3, Box
4250; Bumpass, VA 23024; (540) 872-5481 (NLT 10:00 p.m.). Please contact him
if you have special dietary concerns.
The Merchocrat is Lord Ian Andrew de Scroggs c/o James Howell; 996 Dorset Rd;
Powatan, VA 23139; (804) 598-2168 (NTL 10:00 p.m.). Merchants will be asked
to donate an item or service of moderate value to the Kingdom Auction.
The Kingdom Birthday Celebration Autocrat is Master Dafydd ap Gwystl c/o
David Kuijit; 2801 Ashmont Terrace; Silver Spring, MD 20906;
(301) 598-7427 (NLT 10:30 p.m.).
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