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Emerald Joust Wants You!

Greetings again!

As I am new to Atlantia and Emerald Jousts, I am asking that if you want to
hold an activity, or camp in a specific place, PLEASE contact me.  Even if
you've done it at every previous Emerald Joust, do NOT assume that I will
know about it.  I will accommodate everyone possible, but it may not be
possible if you ask me at the last minute, or some other group has been
assigned to 'your spot.'  Thanks! - and pass this message on to everyone in
your group, please!

As you can tell from my previous message, there will be a LOT going on at
Emerald Joust this year.

We need your help!  Please contact the autocrat if you wish to volunteer. 
Opportunities are available in the following areas:

 - Steward of the Hall for Saturday Fest, Sunday Lunch and Sunday Feast.
 - Marshals for both heavy tournies and both rapier tournies
 - Heralds for both heavy tournies and both rapier tournies
 - List pages
 - Trolls on Friday and Saturday
 - Help with the Children's activities on Saturday and Sunday (each 
   participating child must be accompanied by an adult; but we need 
   more help than that!)
 - Help with the archery
 - Selling bags of ice ($1 each)
 - Setting up the A & S displays
 - Checking IDs at the Lawn Party keg
 - Judging the A & S competitions (period encampment and 
   'inexpensive alternatives')
 - Leading the dancing
 - Hosting a Bardic Circle
 - Serving the feasts
 - Checking trash cans and Toilet paper supplies

Thanks again!

        - Anarra Karlsdottir
          c/o Terry L. Neill
          31377 Old Dawn Road
          Hanover, VA 23069-2006
          (804) 994-5845

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