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Pennsic Archery Masterpiece Judging (fwd)

     Attention crafters of bows, arrows and other archery gear!
You have the opportunity to compete against other crafters in
your field from many kingdoms, exchange ideas, learn more about
your craft, and gain recognition for your skill and knowledge.
     Pennsic will host the second of the Archery Masterwork Judgings.  
The  competition will recognize excellence in several categories.
     The entries will be on display before judging, so that other
archers and the populace may view them.  Final results and  winners will 
be announced during Pennsic and notice of the winners will also be sent 
to the kingdom newsletters.
     Volunteers will be needed to help with the judging.
     For further information contact :Ailean Mac an Daroch, 43 Mill St., 
New Britain CT, 06051.  (203) 223-2146.  AGPitts@aol.com