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Rapier Demo! Scholars, Freescholars, and Provosts needed!

Scholars, Freescholars, and Provosts of Atlantia!

     I have heard a cry for help, and I need your assistance to answer it.
If any of you could help with a demo on Friday, May 17th in Roxbury Mill, it
would be most appreciatted.  The time is 6:30 to 7, in the evening, in
Germantown, Md.  I need people who have decent or nice looking armor,
tunics or fencing jackets won't make it for this one gang!  We need to look
sharp!  If you can help, please e-mail me at glewweg@erols.com by Wednesday.
Thank you.

In Service,
Gregoire de Conteville, CSS, Ad'E

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