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Saxon riddle

I found this Saxon riddle offered on a web page
called "Games of the Viking & Anglo-Saxon Age"
(http://www.ftech.net/~regia/games.htm).  I plan
to pose it often, for I think it is instructive.

On earth there's a warrior of curious origin.
He's created, gleaming, by two dumb creatures
for the benefit of men. Foe bears him against foe
to inflict harm. Women often fetter him,
strong as he is. If maidens and men
care for him with due consideration
and feed him frequently, he'll faithfully obey them
and serve them well. Men succour him for the warmth
he offers in return; but this warrior will savage
anyone who permits him to become too proud.

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
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