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Re: personality test

In a message dated 96-05-17 15:16:56 EDT, you write:

<< >P.S. If this is full term, the baby has a due date of 6/6/96. Does this

yes, it means that you are the lucky one and don't have to go through summer
ROUND...<g>  Is this your first, my Lady?  I wish you much joy...and despair
not!   You still really DO have feet!!!<g> >>

No, this is number two, and I figured I still had feet because something down
there hurts all the time. This seems much more annoying this time, as I
didn;t have a 2yr old to chase after the first time. Hopefully I'll have
something to show for this by emerald joust, but if not, than both baby
badgers will be at War.
                                      Miriam--a 'benificiary' of Stierbach
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