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Re: personality test

     As a matter of fact, I wasn't able to get the thing to actually 
     collate the results when I tried it last Friday.  When I tried this 
     morning, the server wasn't there.
     I can see the headlines now:  Corporation runs Screaming from Scene of 
     Mass Riot; White House Phones Congrats.
     J. Blackbow

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Subject: Re: personality test
Author:  mdullagh@telenet.com (Mike Dullaghan) at INTERNET
Date:    5/20/96 3:40 PM

I bet the people at:
wish the SCAdians had never discovered their Medieval Personality Test.
Incidentally, it claims I'm a White Knight!
I'm Neutral Good, not Lawful Good!
Lord Michael the Eclectic, House Falconguard, 
                           Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia 
Vert, on an inverted chevron or, a reremouse(bat) displayed sable 
(old address mdullagh@telenet.com)
Armed man = citizen.  Unarmed man = subject. 
Of course these are MY opinions! Whattya think, my EMPLOYER 
could've thought this stuff up? 
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