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Re: another riddle

> Swings by his thigh a thing most magical!
> Below the belt, beneath the folds
> of his clothes it hangs, a hole in its front end,
> stiff-set and stout, but swivels about.
> Levelling the head of this hanging instrument,
> its wielder hoists his hem above the knee:
> it is his will to fill a well-known hole
> that it fits fully when at full length.
> He has often filled it before. Now he fills it again.

since the answer appears to have already been posted, i figured i'd pop 
in and confirm that it is, indeed, a key.  jonathan blackbow was first 
with the answer, and i suspect he has a truly heinous (and original!) 
riddle to spring upon us. :)

					in service,


lisa lorenzin                          april is the cruelest month, breeding
lisa@trinet.com                        lilacs from the dead land, mixing
http://www.privnet.com/lisa            memory and desire...   - t. s. eliot

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