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Re: Merry Rose Gathering at Emerald Joust

On Wed, 22 May 1996 Catmuse@aol.com wrote:
><Demetria, who has just come in to the Merry Rose, ordered "whatever's cold
>and quick today" and sat by the cold ashes of last night's fire isn't so very
>glad-eyed today.>
>"It looks like," she said, "I'll miss the gathering at Emerald Joust, since I
>won't be there.  Could a body drink something delicious and cool for me
>there, good my gentles?  Mayhap we can meet at Pennsic this year?"

<Genevieve Chasteignier sits next to Demetria (hoping not to offend her and get drink in her face), sighs deeply, and requests of the waitress "anything without alcohol, if there is such a thing".>

So will I.  <another deep sigh>  Unfortunately, I am kept at my lady's castle in Mundania, with my only visits to Atlantia being the Merry Rose . . . .  You see, I fear that my lady is not well pleased with my efforts at the castle and at my studies, and so I find myself staring at these four turrets for an indefinite period . . . .

--Genevieve Chasteignier de Carcassonne
  aka Jennifer Maxson, who is grounded until her grades (and room) stop        looking like a horrific nightmare

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