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Re: Euwww, English Again! :-)

>    Do be careful, good Alfredo.  For some reason this puts me in mind 
> of the verse from "Welsh History 101" (by Mistress Tangwystyl) which 
> goes something like: 
>      We'll feast you on mutton and harp for your pleasure And give you 
>      a place to sleep out of the cold, Or maybe we'll meet you out on 
>      the dark roadway And rob you of horses and weapons and gold. 

Ah, but no, milord Landi!

Alfredo is not, you see, an English person .... he will definately get the 
Mutton/Harp/Comfy Bed part of the verse!  The Merry Rose has very comfy beds 
upstairs, and I did have the mutton myself but yestere'en, it was most truly 
delicious!  And while I am not the greatest harper ever to pluck the strings, 
I can probably eke out something ....  let me see ....

<reaches for harp conveniently hidden behind the expanse of her farthingale 
.. settles it in, takes an experimental glissade on the strings, and:>

LLWYN ONN (The Ash Grove)
Yn Nyffryn Llwyn Onn draw mi welais hardd feinwen
A minnau'n hamddena 'rol byw ar y don;
Gwyn ewyn y lli oedd ei gwisg, a disgleirwen
A'r glasfor oedd llygaid Gwen harddaf Llwyn Onn.
     A ninnau'n rhodiana drwy'r lonydd i'r banna,
     Sibrydem i'n gilydd gyfrinach byd serch;
     A phan ddaeth hi'n adeg ffarwelio a'r wiwdeg,
     Roedd tannau fy nghalon yng ngofal y ferch.
Cyn dychwel i borthladd wynebwn y tonnau,
Ond hyfryd yw'r hafan 'rol dicter y don;
Bydd melys anghofio her greulon y creigiau--
Un felly o'wn innau 'rol cyrraedd Llwyn Onn.
     A thawel mordwyo wnaf mwyach a Gwenno
     Yn llong fach ein bwthyn a hi wrth y llyw;
     A hon fydd yr hafan ddiogel a chryno
     I'r morwr a'i Wenno tra byddwn ni byw.

There!  I hope that did please the assembled company!  A sad story, but a 
sweet tune .... Tapster, a cup of mead, if you please!


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