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Re: Euwww, English Again! :-)

> Tibor wrote: 
> > 
> >  But we have welcomed vowels from elsewhere, and shall always 
> >  continue to do so! 
> > 
> >Clearly so.  I recall one Linguistics person mentioning that, 
> >technically, Welsh has more vowels than English. 
> I was under the impression that sometime around the 5th century or so, 
> the Irish invaded Wales and made off with most of their vowels. 
> In service, 
> Corun (who has plenty of vowels, thankyouverymuch) 
Oh yes, my forebears went raiding and look what they came back with! All these 
lovely vowels-- you didn't need those, did you? I thought they were so nice, I 
put one of each in my name!

Muireann ni Riordain

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