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Re: Am I alone, or...

On Mon, 27 May 1996, Tom Brady wrote:

> On Mon, 27 May 1996, Laurie Kovaleski wrote:
> > Are the NCSU employees the only ones that are not at Emerald, but at work on this federal
> > holiday?
> Not quite. I can think of two who are trapped here at work in RTP.
> -Duncan (and Galen of Black Diamond, too)

	Well, I'm stuck going to classes and preparing for finals.


___________________    ___________________________________________
|                 |    | James Beckett of Westmorland, Seneschal |
|-----------------|    | Incipient College of Marshals' Keep	 |
|        /\       |    | Barony of Black Diamond                 |
|      /    \     |    | Atlantia                                |
|     <      >    |    |-----------------------------------------|
|      \    /     |    | Scott Silvers                           |
|        \/       |    | Washington & Lee University             |
|-----------------|    | Class of '98                            |
|_________________|    |-----------------------------------------|

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