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Re: Terribly sorry...

>      That I wasn't able to make it to the Merry Rose @ Emerald...so, 
>      for those of you wondering which one was Jonathan, the answer 
>      is:  none of them... 
>      J. Blackbow 
Er, um, that goes for Miriam Rachael, too....my sewing machine had a blowout 
and I had to fix it before I could finish my garb....sigh.  I will make it to 
something soon, though!  I just discovered I can't make it to University, but 
I will at least be at Caer Maer Baronial Birthday on Sunday, and hopefully 
some of Saturday....

				Miriam R.

Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai
The non-pregnant Miriam
akaThe Intriguing Miriam

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