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Re: The Merry Thorns

That Rouge Kevin said...

>Insult?  I would not insult the fair Karen more than what was necessary to
>have a good time.  No, wait, that didn't come out right. =)

OHHHHH Digging yourself a deeper grave.  Well we'll seee <EVIL LAUGH>

>Is that string and fruit some sort of reference to David and Goliath?  Hmph.
>'Twould be dishonorable if I were not given a chance to defend.  Now then,
>take up your *leetle* shield and I shall grab my Excalibat.

Obvoisuly my oafish friend you do not read..So Im not going to tell you NYA
  AS for my "*leetle*" shield, do you know which side of the sield goes
towards the enemy? or do I need to paint instructions on the insode for you?

><Anything but a watermelon on a rope, and I'm calling "LIGHT!!!">

 How about a pair of casaba melons and a chain?

Gruffudd ap Cadfael ap Daffydd ap Rhys ap Infintum
MKA Carl Harris
 Remember:  Welsh Naming Practices Keep Going and Going.....

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