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Re: University of Atlantia times?

Marion of Arathorn wrote:

"In all the postings about UofA, I have not yet seen a mention of when the
site opens, when class registration is, and when classes begin. Could
someone provide this information?" 

The site *technically* opens at 7:00 am.  I don't know when registration 
starts.  I think the June ACORN says University starts at 10:00 AM.

DO NOT COME TO THE SITE AT 7:00 AM!  Unless you either A) enjoy milling 
around semi-vacant universities or B) want to help set up.  (I'm not sure 
*I'll* be there at 7:00 am but I'll be there early.)

I am guessing registration will begin at 8:30 or 9:00 in the morning.  
CAVEAT:  I don't know when registration will begin.  This is merely the 
quasi-educated guess of the site autocrat.  This falls under information 
that Lord Henry should know.

The dessert revel following the event begins after classes end.  Classes 
end at 6:30, which gives you a half-hour to walk a block and cross the 
street to get to get to Student Union II.  (Revel site opens at 7:00 PM.)

  (wondering where the Travelling Thornburys are ...)
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