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Re: Where has your living room gone?

Poster: Catmuse@aol.com

In a message dated 96-07-07 18:06:29 EDT, you write:

><Maria Constanza and Marguerite chasing Demetria through the door and
>Demetria come back...come back ...we have more.......
>Where oh where has my livingroom gone?
>Oh where oh where can it be?
>There is armor where,
>There was once a chair,
>Oh where oh where can it be?

Demetria turns around, grinning, and says, "Vivat!  I LOVE people who like to

Where oh where has my sewing room gone?
Oh where oh where can it be?
At the fabric store,
Well, I just bought more,
Oh where oh where can it be?

Demetria, fanning herself, shuts fan with a snap, and links arms with Maria
Constanza and Marguerite, and turns back to the inn...

Grinning some more....

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