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DISC: Pay to Play--Non-Member's POV

Poster: alairia@juno.com (L. Z. Morgan)

Greetings, Gentles of Atlantia.

I am a non-SCA member(former member, now in Tidewater Medievalists)  who
is attending the Pennsic War.  I am bringing a bow in case I am
permitted to shoot for the archery point, (I'm terrible, but I
understand sheer numbers matter) and I have plans to take fencing
lessons while there.

I am led to understand that I will not be permitted to do the above
unless I purchase a membership.  My outsider's point of view on the
matter is: Ok, whatever.  Your club, your rules.  I can't really justify
it--I'm not the philospher that some on this list have been shown to be,
but at a gut level I find it perfectly all right that an organization
that requires a great deal of work to make it run should ask me to
provide this small token of my support for their efforts before enjoying
the fruit of those efforts.  This is especially true for fighting because
it takes so much non-fighter support to pull off a tourney.  Marshals,
MOL, water bearers and a chirugeon for SCA, and add four judges to an
Alairian tourney count of non-fighter support folks.  If those people
working hard to give me a fun day want the equivalent of three bucks a
month from me, and they'll throw in a very fine newsletter every
quarter, ok.  I'll pay or not play.

Lyon FilsHenri, Alairia
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