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Arabic Class

Poster: Keith Vaughn <KVAUGHN@fcc.gov>

Greetings denizens of the Merry Rose from Xenophon.

During the next session of University I will be giving an Arabic language
class, during which I will teach some common Arabic phrases,
expressions, etc.  To this end I need some help from the populace....
What do you want to know how to say and write ?  Please email or
snail mail your suggestions (my address is in the acorn as Seneschal
of Lochmere) so that I can compile a list and prepare course materials.

I already plan to cover the common greetings (hello, 
goodbye, please, thank you), classical pickup lines, words to avoid,
etc; but am always looking for more topics.

We will be using standard and classical Arabic, and some colloquialisms.
This will pretty much cover anyone having been to or originating from the
Arabic Penninsula and/or al-Mahgreb (Northern Africa).

Shukran Jazilin (Many Thank You's)


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