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Re: FYI: The Gathering of the Clans

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swann@intercon.com>

> Poster: CORVUS2@aol.com 
> In a message dated 96-07-15 13:59:30 EDT, you write: 
> >Alaric Luther - who in real life actually has roots in Clan Gunn 
> Me too!!! 
> Rhiannon 
Myself as well!


Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai | Purpure on a bend Or,
akaThe Intriguing Miriam    | between two swans naiant
Isenfiri-In-Exile           | respectant, wings elevated
mka: Heather E.M. Swann     | and addorsed argent, three 
email:swann@intercon.com    | sprigs of heather palewise
                            | purpure.     

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