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Re: a few unrelated questions

Poster: Logan and Arielle <logan123@charlotte.infi.net>

Dan Mackison wrote:
> Poster: Dan Mackison <DanM@skantech.com>
> Here's a few questions I am having trouble finding an answer to
> locally...
> 1) I seem to remember somebody mentioning something about lining a
> homemade mug with "liquid glass" to keep it safe for drinking. Does
> anybody out there now know more on this?


The only product I have ever heard of with the name "Liquid Glass" is an 
encapsulated silicon compound used in the automotive industry as a top 
coat sealant.  Primarily it is used on classic and show cars, sometimes 
lightly  on vehicles placed on showroom floors for display.  There may be 
another but I know that "L.G." would not work to make something safe for 
foodstuffs.  Lord Gawain Kilgore (gregsta@microsoft.com) knows a good 
deal about coating leather jacks for that very purpose.

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