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Re: Pennsic Waiver online?

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  > If I can't find one, I'll see about scanning the physical one I find, and
  > maybe sending it to the atlantian web page administrator for posting...

I have retyped the one from the Pennsic Handbook, below.  -- Tibor

The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Waiver and Informed Consent

I (Legal Name), _________, the undersigned of (Street Address) _________,
(City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Country) __________, being an adult,
having read and understood the contents of this document, and being fully
cognizant of the nature and characteristics of the Society for Creative
Anachronism activities detailed below, do hereby consent to the provisions
contained herein.

It is my intent to participate in an event held by the Society for Creative
Anachronism Inc. (A non-profit educational organization duly incorporated in
the State of California).  This event is know as Pennsic War XXV, held at
Cooper's Lake Campground, 205 Currie Road, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania from
August 2 through 18, 1996.

In consideration for my being permitted to take part in this event, I agree
to release and save harmless the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc,; its
organizers and agents, officials, representatives and servants; Cooper's
Lake Campground and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from and against any
damage to my person or property, howsoever caused, arising out of or in
connection with my taking part in this event, even if the same may have been
contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of said bodies or any of
their agents, representatives or servants.

Whereof I here set my hand this ____ day of August, 1996.

Legal Signature ____________
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