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Re: Calibration problems...
Poster: John S Welch <s0jswelc@atlas.vcu.edu>
> Poster: James Morrow <Achbar@worldnet.att.net>
> MHWag@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Poster: MHWag@aol.com
> >
> > Only a bard would call a wrap shot a "rap"
> > hee hee
> > Aileen This sounds as bad as some of the stuff I would say. Lord Johnathan,
> please notice the lack of Capitalized words in this message.
> Rapping Bards? I am sure somebody must had Rap in period music some
> how. This is beginning to sound like too much fun.
> Achbar
--->Just to be silly,
Some of the Cantigues of Alfonso X have spoken solo lines that
could be rapped<grin>
Niall also notes that alot of the rythme scheme and meter of
today's modern rap is silimar to some of the orignal
translations of Beowulf.(Now there's a elegant thought for a
challange at the Pennsic Pas- Duke Sven Mo-Better and th' crew
rappin' there way into the list...)<BIG Grin>
Hoping they won't take our Pearls away for this...,
Bryce de Byram & Niall McFarlane
( who at this moment are working out a appropriete hip-hop
accompanemt to Riu Riu Chi...)
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