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Post Pennsic Revel

Poster: Karen Louise Flessas <LOUISE.FLESSAS@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>

Good People, 

Pray attend!!

Post Pennsic Dessert Revel
24 August 1996

The Baron and Baroness of Storvik cordially invite one and all to their
fair Barony for a Dessert Revel in celebration of the return from the
25th Pennsic Wars.  Join their Excellencies in the sampling of many fine
sweets, hear the bards recant the glorious tales of the war, and dance
the night away to the accompaniment of Lady Felecia's Ad Hoc Orchestra
of Greater Storvik.

There will be a bardic competition with prizes offered for the best "No
s***, there I was at the war..." story.  There will also be an
artistic/culinary competition for the desserts in the following
categories:  most artistic representation of the war, best attempt at a
period dessert, and the dessert most in need of a surgeon general's
warning due to chocolate content.

Musicians, if you wish to participate in the Ad Hoc Orchestra, please
contact Lady Felecia at (301) 587-3711, NLT 10pm, or fme1@clark.net.

Please keep in mind that the site, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church is NOT
AIR CONDITIONED.  Please wear clothing appropriate to the climate (light
field garb would be ideal).  If any gentles have large fans that could be
placed in front of one or more of the windows, please contact the
autocrat at the number below as soon as possible.

This is a "sort of wet" site--the site allows WINE ONLY.  Please remember
that the legal drinking age in the state of Maryland is 21.

Parents, please be advised that no child care will be provided.

FEES:  $7 per adult, $4 per child (5-12), smalls under the age of 5 are
guests of the Barony.  There is a discount of $1 if you bring a dessert
to serve 6 or more.  If you wish to pay by check, please make it out to,
Barony of Storvik/SCA, Inc.

AUTOCRAT:  Lady Catriona Beansheinn (mka: Cindy Stanford), 9300 Edmonston
Road, #201, Greenbelt, MD  20770, (h) 301-474-4659 (NTL 10pm), (w)
202-728-0300 (weekdays 8:30am-4:30pm), catriona@juno.com

DIRECTIONS:  From I-495, take exit 25, Route 1 South into College Park. 
College Avenue is at the same light as the Maryland Book Exchange after
the main campus area of the University of Maryland.  Turn left onto
College Avenue.  Go 1 1/2 blocks, the church will be on your left.  Park
in the church lots.  Enter the parking lots using the entrance to the
right hand side of the church at the back.  The troll will be at the
church entrance closest to the first parking lot you pass through.

***Please contact the autocrat if you can help with any of the following:
 troll, set-up, kitchen, clean-up.

Frau Johanna von Sudeborn


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