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Re: Under New Management

Poster: Henry Best <jstrauss@gmu.edu>

> What?  You mean you're not going to stage a coup?  It would be so
> easy!
>    Alys of Foxdale           | Vert, on a fess between three trees
> foxdale@dakota.widomaker.com |     argent, a fox passant gules.

Dear lady, that WAS the coup. Anyone can stage a military takeover of a 
park bench. You simply wait until the other person sitting there gets up 
and walks away.

Henry Best, List Babysitter, Master of All He Surveys

(Not Master of His Domain. That's a different deal altogether.)

| Ld Henry Best		| "People don't quit playing because they   |
| John Strauss		| grow old. They grow old because they quit |
| jstrauss@gmu.edu	| playing." 	    -Oliver Wendell Holmes  |

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