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MR-Disc: What a Defeated Knight Should Think

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com

Then the emperor asked what a knight defeated in battle
should think, to which the king replied:

"A defeated knight should harbor six thoughts: the first is that
only God can grant victory; the second is that God, who favored
his opponent, may yet favor him; the third is that he should be
humble before  his Creator and fellow men; the fourth is that
some of the world's noblest princes have been vanquished; the
fifth is that, for his sins, he deserves discomfiture and even
worse, and the sixth is that Fortune's wheel has been pleased to
turn against him."

* Do you have a problem with any of these?

* Any additional thoughts?

* Could these apply off the battlefield as well?

* Have such thoughts crossed your mind in defeat?

* Per que` Joanot Martorell ni Marti' Joan de Galba no varen mantenir cap
  relacio' com a escriptors amb els lletraferits del seu temps?

-- Alfredo
Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

Carpe dulcem diem -- Seize a nice day.

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