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Re: Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association l997
Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>
This blew up on both the An Tir and the Atlantia list.
I'll try again.
I think the e-gremlins hate ptsc.slg.eds.com.
- Anarra redux
>Ohh, this looked too good not to pass on.
>It's from the Scandinavian History E-mail list (H-SKAND).
> - Anarra
>Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 12:53:31 +0200
>From: H-SKAND Thomas Pedersen <h-skand@hist.ou.dk>
>Subject: CFP: Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association l997
>Subject: CFP: Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association l997
>Submitted by: The editor
>Date: 20.8 1996
>Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association l997 Meeting, Banff,
>Alberta, Canada
>The RMMRA will meet at the Banff Centre for Conferences in Banff National
>Park, May 15-May 18, 1997.
>Papers on any subject from Charlemagne to Charles II are invited, with
>particular emphasis on international and intercultural aspects. Especially
>welcome are papers dealing with the history, literatures, and art of Africa,
>Asia, eastern Europe, and the Americas, with or without reference to
>with western Europe, literatures in languages other than English, and
>pedagogical questions and the use of new technologies in teaching medieval
>and Renaissance subjects. Papers may be delivered in English or French.
>Membership in the RMMRA is required of all participants. Dues are $20 US,
>and entitle members to receive, and submit papers to, the association's
>journal. Contact the secretary, Professor Kenneth Graham, Department of
>English, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA.
>e-mail kgraham@nmsu.edu
>For session proposals, September 20, 1996. With your proposal please
>the title of the session and brief CVs of all participants (each one's
>highest degree, academic appointment, and major publications).
>Individual papers may be of whatever length the organizer specifies, but,
>except by special arrangement, the session may last no longer than 90
>minutes, including question period.
>For independent submissions, any time up to January 31, 1997. Only
>completed papers received by this date will be considered for inclusion in
>the programme. Except by special prior arrangement, no paper should take
>more than 20 minutes reading time.
>Address inquiries, proposals, and MSS to Professor Jean MacIntyre,
>Department of English, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
>T6G 2E5.
>e-mail jean.macintyre@ualberta.ca
> The H-SKAND World Wide Web Site
> at
> http://www.hum.ou.dk/projekter/h-skand/
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