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Re: At last it can be told

Poster: "David K. Bodman" <dkbodman@nr.infi.net>

At 11:11 AM 8/23/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com
>On Aug 6,  6:20pm, Tirloch of Tallaght wrote:
>> I went up for Land Grab and all should look at the hill on your left as
>> you enter the troll entrance as it is neat, cool, etc. Coopers also
>> echoes the hill statement with a similar one done by the main bath
>> house. The medallion is brass and very cool. No more said as it should
>> be a surprise for those gentles when they pass through troll.
>What was "the hill statement"?

A beautiful bit of hedging in the letters "XXV".. at night they lined the
paths with candles, and so the XXV was visible at night as well.. neat...

>> PS Clan Cambion is living on Tuchux Hill for those interested...
>Was it renamed Cambion Hill?
No, not to my knowledge..

>Were Tuchuces banned?
No, relagated down "TOO FAR GONE" road, I was camped near there, and they
were very quiet..

>Was it because of the incident last year?
>What about those Tuchuks who are also in the SCA?
>Did this ban have any effect on the War's outcome, or the experience?
>-- Alfredo
>curious shut-in
Politics, politics... I'm sure you can find anyone in the larger SCA groups
that have griefs with the others...Let's just have a good time, or try to...


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