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Re: Forum for establishing appropriateness

Poster: William Morris <william.morris@sc.edu>

>> Earl Dayfdd spoke to the appropriateness (NOT!) of the postings
>> from socrates@nrv.net. If you feel motivated, forward the postings
>> to postmaster@nrv.net, or any other appropriate email address at that
>> site, along with your complaint. If each person does this ONCE, without
>> adding large quantities of extra data (no mailbombing!), it should get
>> the postmaster's attention.
>I have only had a chance to go to one event since moving to Atlantia.
>While I have never been involved in assassinations, I have done some
>things at events that some Atlantians might consider inappropriate for
>an SCA event.  Is there any forum where I can discuss these borderline

Has anyone really said anything so bad as to warrant removing his or her 
abilities to voice an opinion on the Merry Rose?  Are we prepared to be 
so hard on one another that differing opinions can not be voiced, and are 
therefore essentially silenced?

This Society is based on chivalry, courtousy, and other virtues deemed 
worthy to recreate and carry into our non-sca lives.  We SHOULD be a 
beacon of understanding and diplomacy.  Is this really an unrealistic 

I certainly hope that little to no mail is sent requesting anyone be 
removed from this forum.  It would be a sad day indeed.  Especially when 
someone new to our kingdom suddenly wonders if he or she will be outcast 
for having questions...

or an opinion.

>I used to think the Merry Rose was such a forum, but now it
>seems that I may lose all e-mail privileges if I mention anything that
>does turn out to be inappropriate.

Lord Liam a'Welwyn, Seneschal
Canton of Cyddlain Downs
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