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Introducing a song...

Poster: Bards keep <s0jswelc@atlas.vcu.edu>

> Poster: Matthew Allen Newsome <mnewsome@warren-wilson.edu>
> I agree with what Byrum has said about playing to your audience.  I just 
> think it important to add one extra note.  If you perform songs, like 
> Barret's Privateers, or "Ramblin' Rover,", it is important to say 
> somthing like "This is written by Andy M. Stewart, a few years back," or 
> the like.  A lot of people out there are new to this kind of music, and 
> may leave with the impression that this is a medieval folk song, or close 
> to it.  Entertain, and educate.
> Eogan
-->Right-O!!! In fact try intrtoducing EVERY song, telling where
in history it's from,(regardless of if it's period or not) and
who the composer is(espically if it's a SCA composer. I'd had the
composer be in the audience unbeknownst to me, and i've been that
mystery composer out in the dark myself once,hee-hee-hee was that
fun..."My Lady, do you know who wrote that song?...:)


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