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Re: MR: Variants of Hand-Kissing

Poster: Henry Best <jstrauss@gmu.edu>

On Thu, 12 Sep 1996, Mark Schuldenfrei wrote:
> Well, Carolingia has had a Commedia troup for a few years, and it has worked
> VERY well for us.  Both as fun in it's own right, a means of studying period,
> an entertainment at events, and a draw for new people to have something fun to
> do.  I recommend it.
> Corun, if you get serious, mail me privately, and I can send you Earl
> Sebastian's email address: he is the sponsor of I Sebastiani.
> 	Tibor

Is that Sebastian, as in TALL Sebastian?

I could probably use that e-mail address too.

1) I'm learning to walk on stilts for St. Mike's latest tournament and 
could use any hints from someone who has spent time where the weather is 
clear and the people all seem tiny. That's my immediate need.

2) I'm reading everything I can get my hands on regarding C de Arte and
taking a directing class, to boot. There's a good handful of us that are
pretty serious about the Commedia project down here and wouldn't mind
hints in that area. 

|      John Strauss             |      aka Henry Best          |
|      jstrauss@gmu.edu         |      henry@poboxes.com       |
| "People don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow  |
|  old because they quit playing."     -Oliver Wendell Holmes  |

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