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Re: MR: Latin pigs

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Evan wrote:
>While much discussion has been made of the last little piggie and how its
>name should go in Latin, no one has noted the glaring inconsistency in the
>attribution. Shouldn't it be "Mater Alba" or some such, instead of that
>"Goose" on the end?

There were two reasons for that addition, mine alone, to the rhyme. One was
that it served as an excellent clue to those who might not know Latin well
enough to read it, but could parse it out upon seeing the attribution. The
other reason was.....I didn't know the Latin for goose.

In service,
Corun (ya takes yer best shot)

   Corun MacAnndra   |			They also serve
 Dark Horde by birth |		     who only lurk and pry
   Moritu by choice  |					Dark Horde Proverb

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