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Re: Hare Dyes

Poster: John Strauss <jstrauss@gmu.edu>

> I have about 10 rabbit pelts that are all a
> lovely pure white. Unfortunately, I need golden brown. Does anyone
> know if soaking them in, oh say, Miss Clairol Honey Gold would work?
> Generica
There might not be anyone who can answer that with surety, as I suspect 
you are being creative in finding your solution, for which I applaud you.

But you can likely find out on your own by doing a test patch. Cut a 
small piece off an odd corner of rabbit hide and dye it. Subject that 
test piece to whatever environmental stresses the finished product might 
encounter, washing, UV light, rain, sweat, etc. If you are are satisfied 
with the results, dye the whole batch.

Another thing you might investigate is leather dyes. 

|      John Strauss             |      aka Henry Best          |
|      jstrauss@gmu.edu         |      henry@poboxes.com       |
| "People don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow  |
|  old because they quit playing."     -Oliver Wendell Holmes  |

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