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Re: Jobs and Cookies, and Fellowships

Poster: SheehanTA@aol.com

Baroness Annejke,

When I noticed your post on Cheapside, I felt I had to reply.  Anyone who has
taught three separate classes at University is automatically made a Fellow.
 Whether they were informed of the matter or not, or feel adequately thanked,
I cannot answer.  If the individuals you referred to would contact me, I will
make sure that the University's records accurately reflect their status or
let them know what the problem is. As a first step, you or they might also
check the University's Web page where all fellows are listed.

I post this in a public forum to make a point.  If you or anyone else is
feels they have been slighted in a matter as easily addressed as checking the
University's records (which are extremely well kept by Countess Elizabeth
Beaufort), they should contact me and make their concerns known.  I cannot
claim the University records are absolutely accurate, but I do know that I or
any of my predecessors as Chancellor would never intentionally miss
acknowleding a teacher's contribution of three classes and naming as a Fellow
of the University.  But Fellows are announced at the University following the
session in which the third class was taught.  Is it possible these
individuals simply were not present and missed the annoucement?  In any case,
a problem cannot be fixed if it is not brought to the Chancellor's attention.

As to being properly thanked, well, I have taught 20 different classes at
University.  I was thanked by every Chancellor when I made the offer to
teach, and thanked indirectly when students showed up and listened.  And I
have received even more thanks in the form of past students coming up months
and years later saying how much they enjoyed my class.  There are dozens of
teachers at any given University and to expect the Chancellor to repeat
his/her very genuine gratitude individually is perhaps too much.  If you look
at past catalogs the Chancellor inevitably expresses that gratitude in as
public a fashion as possible, and does so again when Convocation gathers.
 Believe me, after my brief experience in setting up for next February's
Univeristy, I find there are so many people to whom I owe my gratitude that
it is impossible to adequately begin to express it, much name each by name.
Allow for human frailty and forgive those who may be less than perfect, but
nonetheless have tried very hard to create a good resource for all the people
of Atlantia.

Deirdre O'Siodhachain
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