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Re: QUERY: SCA video?

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

>Poster: Cheryl Martin <zofran@deepthot.cary.nc.us>
>Lady Nia received the following email and would like to know if anyone 
>has heard of this company.  Has anyone else received anything similar? 
>She is concerned about the reputation, legitimacy, so forth about the 
>company. <snip>

Even if this is a legitimate  company, I would be very leery of doing
business with them.  Look at the quality of the message: there are several
spelling and grammar errors.  If this individual is so careless in what
amounts to his advertising, what sort of work would you expect his video to be?

In addition, this was posted to another list recently:

Legal notice:
   The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA), and collateral Code of
   Federal Regulations (47 CFR 64.1200) define an unsolicited advertisement sent
   via FAX as the equivalent same sent by E-Mail.  To wit:
   If your computer has
   * a modem connected to a regular telephone line, and
   * a printer connected to that computer,
   unsolicited advertising sent via e-mail to that equipment is considered (by
   definition of law) as sent to a FAX.  The TCPA allows a private right of
   action against the sender of such unsolicted advertising.  The recipient can
   sue for $500, or actual damages (whichever is greater).

If you really dislike getting unsolicited mail of this sort and want to
discourage the sender, post the above notice back to him and ask to be
removed from his mailing list.


>>Date: 10/26/96 6:20 PM
>>From: Michael Marriott
>>Dear Ms. Stephania Herring,
>>My name is Marc Marriott, I represent a video production company that is
>>intrested in producing a video covering SCA events such as armed
>>combat/melees, tournaments, festivals etc.  In order for this project to
>>be economically feasable to us, and yet be affordable to your members,
>>would you assist us in ascertaining your memership strength and any
>>intrest by you or any members of your organization.
>>If you have any questions, please visit our website at
>>Thank you for your time and consideration,
>>Marc Marriott
>>Director Operations and Production
>>Marriott Video Productions

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