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Re: hello..heloo..helloo..is this on??on?? on?? -Reply
Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>
Lady Eleonora writes:
> And, dear Lord Luther, Brenna's charm has not eluded many others,
> included my own son who acquires a faraway expression when he sighs
> that she is so lovely, and how beautiful it was to stroll with her
> hand in hand.... My son, by the way, is almost nine: will you, kind Lord,
> pray peace for me and my husband too?
Ah, m'lady Brenna stories. Two years ago at Pennsic I was walking with my
and m'lady Brenna to a children's party, and we were going very slow, as
Brenna had earlier in the war turned her ankle. Not wishing the children
to be late for cake and such, and considering that Brenna was only three
years older then my daughter, I thought to solve the problem by slinging
Brenna over my shoulder and carrying her there. We did manage to pick up
the pace, but my word...
...that child is solid muscle.
Be afraid Lorenzo etal, be very afraid.
> By the way, lady Beatriz: whatever our children get up to, I shall not,
> repeat, not take teh six foot buffalo!
I don't think that is currently a danger. As I remember, Lady Beatriz
gave over the Six-Foot White Buffalo to the Shire of Stierbach for a
Investiture gift for the Barony of Ponte Alto. So Baron Ranulf and
Baroness Cailtin are the current owners ;-). Reprisals have been threatened.
Lord Leifr Johansson
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