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The authenticity debate-philosophy
Poster: WzrdKing@aol.com
Good Lords and Ladies,
I agree completely that the SCA must remain educational, (as a matter of
fact the replies I've recieved to my posting have proven very educational.) I
just question whether being educational means being judgemental of those
around you.
The real point that I meant to make was this:
If your enjoyment of ANYTHING, (not just SCA events,) depends on having
everyone else accept your way of thinking, you're going to have a miserable
life. It just isn't going to happen that way. And as soon as you say "this is
the way things SHOULD be," you have just stepped out of the real world and
into fantasy land. The way things should be is never the way they are. Once a
person can accept the way that things are, they can begin to have a positive
influence on them. But as long as a person measures anything against a
hypothetical "should" they surround themselves with anger and frustration,
and make themselves incapeable of effecting positive change. Happiness of any
kind, at any place must come from within, and as long as your happiness
depends on externals, you are doomed to constant dissapointment. I walk
around events and see what I choose to see and so far I have been far more
surprised and delighted than dissapointed. In fact, I've been enjoying myself
Good Gentles, that is my humble opinion, and if I am correct in it, then
I'm sure that you were all aware of these ideas and needed no reminder from
me; and if I am full of it, then please just ignore the ravings of an obvious
Yours in service,
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