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Re: To Kensei

Poster: Janet Toney/Terry Neill <71035.3227@CompuServe.COM>

You know, I really hate the format of the Digest.  I have a heck of a time
figuring out who posted what.

Evidently Kensei posted the following:

>>>>What I was thinking about when I made the
comment that so upset you are those participants who cannot afford
SCA--in either time or money--yet participate to the detriment of 
themselves and their families.  In other words, how do --really-- 
poor people have the time to participate in SCA instead of working two 
or more jobs, if necessary, to provide a better life for their children?<<<<

Excuse me?

The SCA is *not* an authentic medieval re-enactment organization.  It *is*
an inclusive organization that welcomes all people interested in any 
part of what we do at whatever level of participation they choose.

And we do not have to be an authentic medieval re-enactment
organization to be extremely educational both to ourselves and others, nor 
to meet the definition of a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

We are an organization that was founded on an idealistic 60's
interpretation of Victorian attitudes toward Arturian Romance, Chivalry, 
Honor and Ideals.

The radical idea that we could behave courteously with those of every
degree or station.

There is a heck of a lot more to the raising of children than working two
or more jobs so you never see them.

The SCA is a *wonderful* place for those of limited financial ability to
bring their children.  It is fun.  It is safe.  There are neat people here.
They learn a lot.  Just getting ready to attend one's first SCA event teaches
one quite a bit about pre-1600 Western Europe.

The SCA does not have to be an expensive hobby.  One can have a ton
of fun on limited resources as any college student or working parent
can tell you.

(I did it for years.  Anyone with an interest in ideas for how to have fun
in the SCA on a limited budget, please e-mail me.)

I'd far rather run into an Honorable, Chivalrous and Courteous person at
an SCA event dressed in neon polyesther than someone in the most rigorously
researched and constructed garb who is a jerk.

At least one has hope of improving the garb of a courteous person.

I've rarely met a well-dressed jerk with any hope of improving his/her

I am outraged at statements that tell other people how to raise their
chilren; how to make choices for their own life. I have never read such 
hurtful things on this list! It's none of your business, Kensei.

And to top it off, you're way off base.  The SCA does not exclude
people.  The SCA is open to anyone who shows up at an event in a 'reasonable
attempt at pre-1600 Western European Garb'.  The overwhelming majority of
SCAdians welcome all people who wish to join and play well with others.

        - Lady Anarra Karlsdottir
          Caer Mear, Atlantia

          Terry L. Neill
          Dawn, Virginia

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