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Winter's End Dance

Poster: MarsaliFox@aol.com

Unto the Artisans and Scientists of Atlantia and to all who read this
missive, does Lady Marsali Fox, Minister of Arts and Sciences of Highland
Foorde Shire send greetings.

A grand dance event is coming soon to our fair Shire and at it will be a
display of Arts & Sciences display and a competition whose theme is 'Spring.'
 If you can plausible explain how your item fits in with the theme, it may be
entered.  (i.e., new chain mail for a spring tournament, shoes for spring
muddy roads, spring glowers decorating clothing, boxes, etc., use of spring
colors, etc.)  Four hand-made prizes will be awarded, two by judges and two
by popular vote.  Of the latter, one will be for the popular favorite and one
for best execution of the theme.  Prizes will include hand-made lace trim,
hand-woven trim and a piece of jewelry.

If you have any questions, I may be reached at (301) 694-0421 or at
MarsaliFox@aol.com or you may contact the Autocrat, Lady Thyra at (301)
416-8497 or at Beiskaldi@aol.com.

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